
With over 20 years of combined experience in research and education, RESET invests on the creation, evolution, and revolution of social-driven concepts, systems and practices which prioritize humanity and respond to the most demanding societal challenges of our time. Our organization focuses on knowledge acceleration so as to amplify positive local, national, regional and global change The purpose of RESET is to promote a fair and nonviolent world through education, restorative dialogue, skill development among professionals and vulnerable groups, and constructive action. RESET is working in close cooperation with governmental departments, local municipalities, NGOs, commercial entities, and educational institutions in order to address market, social, economic and cultural challenges. RESET belief, is that the three pillars of our work, Research, Education and Transformative Dialogue can lead to creative solutions that impact significant change to the social fabric of every society. RESET team is composed of experienced, fully equipped researchers, dialogue facilitators, trainers, educators, project managers, web developers & graphic designers. The areas of expertise are in the fields of community and youth-led initiatives, education/e-learning, social inclusion, transformative dialogue and creative empowerment. RESET also has particular know-how in Dissemination & Communication activities with potential of reaching a wide range of target groups, relevant stakeholders and developing creative tools to achieve this (i.e. social media campaign, creative documentary videos, user-led video stories). RESET promotes projects’ activities and outputs through its communication channels and within its pan-European network of partners. It counts more than 100 partners from across Europe, including SMEs, start-ups, organizations, universities, research centers, etc. RESET’s dissemination and communication team could provide the following services:
- Development and Coordination of the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Plan
- Implementation of online and offline dissemination activities
- Circulation of Newsletters, Leaflets, Press Releases
- Organization of local events, conferences, informative days to promote the project
- Survey administration and analysis – feedback from (online & face-to-face) participants
- Development and implementation of impact assessment framework for the social, economic and organizational perception of the benefits of project solutions.
- Development of a range of well-defined and well-documented dissemination & impact indicators RESET is also working with six large Municipalities across Cyprus including: Municipality of Aglanztia, Municipality of Evrihou, Municipality of Agios Theodoros, Municipality of Deryneia, Municipality of Athienou, Municipality of Pahna, reaching more than 50,000 citizens. Moreover, RESET is a selected member of several networks. Some of them are the following:
- The European Network of Innovation for Inclusion –
Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network- - EUropreneurship Network –
- Junior Chamber International –
- Radicalisation Awareness Practitioners Network-[1]network-ran_en

Friends of the Earth Malta (FoEM) is an independent organisation that is distinct from any political party. It is also not directly affiliated with any other environmental group in Malta, but it works with several social and environmental NGOs on issues that are of common concern and interest. FoEM has been active in the environmental field in Malta since 1985. Originally created under the name of Żgħażagħ Għall-Ambjent (Youths for the Environment), the organisation later became widely known as Moviment Għall- Ambjent (Movement for the Environment). FoEM was founded with the intention of consolidating various youth and environmental groups in the country, which quickly developed into a committee of activists. In 1991, the group joined the international network of Friends of the Earth. Friends of the Earth International includes groups from 75 countries and 6 continents, making it the World’s largest grassroots environmental networks. ० Since 2008 FoEM has been enrolled with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations in accordance with the Voluntary Organisations Act. Registered No. VO/0091 FoEM campaigns on some of today’s most pressing environmental and social issues, by engaging the public directly through a wide range of diverse projects and activities. FoEM creates and participates in vibrant campaigns, raises awareness on a number of pertinent national and international issues, and mobilises people to participate in decision-making processes. FoEM strives to provide creative solutions that are based on sound knowledge and information, especially through the promotion of alternatives to certain environmental behaviours. In keeping to our activist roots, FoEM continuously lobbies, mobilises, and influences the policy community towards a more just and sustainable society. ०FoEM has diverse educational methods to reach out to youths and adults especially focusing on marginalised groups, empowering them to work together for a more sustainable future. FoEM’s work has been informing national policy for over three decades. Currently, campaigns focus is on Food Agriculture & Biodiversity, Climate Change, Resource Use and Activism & Democratic participation. ० FoEM has been part of the School of Sustainability project that was recognised by the Global Education Network Europe (GENE) as one of the 20 most outstanding projects for inclusion. The organisation has five full-time paid employees and one part-time employee and committed volunteers that help with all activities. The paid and unpaid staff members are at the core of the organisation’s everyday functioning and activity implementation. FoEM has approximately 15 committed long term volunteers and shorter-term volunteers that engage in specific areas.

Aspire Education Group GmbH
Aspire Education Group GmbH are a partnership of hybrid system thinkers, advisers, consultants, and leadership development coaches. We offer research, international development, training and consulting services to co-develop solutions to close the performance and inequality gaps impacting young people and adults locally and globally. We work in partnerships with key influencers and organisations in Germany, Europe, Africa and the UK for greater social mobility, inclusion, innovation, education and economic development. Our recently established company in Germany draws on the expertise and brand name of our company in the UK, which has coordinated several successful Erasmus+ strategic partnerships for innovation in the school and adult education sectors, involving in total 16 partners across 14 countries. Our FEMENIN project on financial and economic literacy for women entrepreneurs was showcased as Best practice by the Erasmus+ programme. Other relevant projects include UP TO SPEED, the gamification of language learning, Family Learning of Maths using digital tools which developed intellectual outputs in German through our Austrian partner., We Men aims to improve teaching methods in Emotional Intelligence and Gender Equality Training for adult educators through digital solutions. Aspire has been pioneering transformative dialogue regards addressing inequalities and promoting ethical leadership in education and enterprise development particularly for marginalized and minoritized groups. In East and West Africa, Aspire has curated expert roundtables and co-authored reports coining the concept “Education for Wealth” presented in the Gambia, Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria and House of Commons UK, to promote partnerships, aligning human capacity investments and tech for social and economic development, encourage entrepreneurship and support women’s leadership. These are in line with Africa’s Agenda 2063 and the EU-AU partnership. Aspire has established a base in Kampala together with UK and local Ugandan partners. We have developed a deep and nuanced multicultural and multi ethnic understanding particularly of globalised populations within Europe and the UK which translates into high cultural competence to work across nations and cultures in search of more equitable and sustainable solutions to the social and economic barriers and inequalities which the pandemic has both highlighted and exacerbated. We also intend to leverage our networks and cultural competence through our programmes and initiatives to strengthen partnerships for innovation, develop innovative solutions and build digital capacities for greater participation of younger and older population living in an increasingly diverse Germany and Europe. ASPIRE is member of several related networks to the project that will be utilised to further exploit the project: JANUN Hannover The team supports adolescents and young adults to form working groups and international youth meetings around the topics of environmental education, climate change, consumption and globalisation, inclusion, waste, natural gardening, and upcycling. GIZ (Deutsche Gessellschaft für Internationale Zussamenarbeit) is a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, dedicated shaping a future worth living around the world. The Youth Migration Service, “Jugendmigrationsdienste (JMD) consists of more than 450 centres throughout Germany which offer advice, support, education and training in different languages to help young people for e.g. deal with problems at school, look for an apprenticeship or formal registration issues.

Symplexis is a non-for-profit organisation, aiming at elevating social cohesion, serving the modern needs of populations at risk of social exclusion and promoting human rights. All activities designed and implemented by the organisation are user[1]centered, having a set of values as cornerstone, like impact sustainability, respect to uniqueness and tailor-made approach, user-driven design and implementation, and results-based orientation. The organisation currently employs 15 people and has more than 10 active volunteers, maintaining also a wide network of collaborating organisations not only in Greece, but in almost all EU countries. The fields of specialisation include: – Facilitation of (re)entering in the labour market: Inclusion into the labour market is one of the main vehicles for promoting social inclusion and avoiding marginalization. Therefore, Symplexis is designing and implementing integrated and sustainable programmes so that specific populations in the edge or outside the labour market can (re)gain access to it. Such programmes require a beneficiary-driven approach, taking into account the many special characteristics and needs of different vulnerable groups. – Tackling gender-based discrimination: Symplexis is actively engaged in contributing towards a society without any discrimination due to gender or sexual identity. Even though gender-based challenges have shifted from promoting equal opportunities between men and women, more towards protecting the rights and promoting equal treatment of quality of all citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, there is still a long way for achieving equal opportunities for all. Combatting relevant stereotypes, alleviating gender-based discrimination (incl. discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity), and cultivating a culture of respect and acceptance of diversity constitute the objectives of all relevant interventions. – Promoting education and lifelong learning: Besides the labour market, education and lifelong learning is an additional vehicle of paramount importance for promoting social inclusion. There are 2 relevant issues, which are equally important: an inclusive formal education system, able to maintain disadvantaged pupils inside classrooms and promoting lifelong learning through non-formal education. Symplexis puts emphasis both in supporting the formal education system and widening its access to all, and also in designing and delivering customized lifelong learning, education and capacity building opportunities especially for disadvantaged populations. – Fostering the inclusion of third country nationals: Symplexis’ approach is to utilize the human capital of third country nationals for empowering their recipient communities. The organisation’s focus is twofold: to support third country nationals blend in their host communities, and to help recipient communities to accept third country nationals. Towards this end, the organisation follows an integrated approach, making use of alternative means for promoting the integration of third country nationals, like awareness raising campaigns, introduction programmes of third country nationals to all aspects of their new community (educational system, labour market etc.), networking and developing relationships between third country nationals and native populations, combatting radicalization and racism etc. Symplexis is quality-oriented, applying a specific set of standards to all activities implemented. This set of standards includes not only project-related rules and benchmarks, but also a code of conduct for the project team members and all professionals involved in project design and implementation. All processes and procedures followed by the organisation are designed accordingly, focusing on results-oriented approach, while at the same time all systems and tools of the organisation are designed in a way to promote, secure and maintain high quality results.

Izobrazevalni center Geoss d.o.o.
Education Centre Geoss is one of the 12 national contractors of Slovenian Employment Service who is responsible for implementation of the Project Learning Young Adult Program (PLYA). IC Geoss have one unit in Ljubljana City Center. There we have a PUM-O project – Project Learning for Young Adults (PLYA), where there are 3 certified mentors employed on a long-lasting national project with Ministry for Social Affairs where we include 24 young adults from 15 – 26 years old who are excluded from regular education and unemployed. We help them to socialize, to be responsible for their actions, to develop their potentials, learn different skills, digital literacy, finish the school or find the job. The 24 participants attend the program 32 hours weekly. The PLYA programme is intended for young adults from 15 to 26 years that unsuccessfully finished or discontinued their schooling at the elementary, vocational, professional or high school level. The participants can participate in the programme for up to 10 months. With the support of mentors and external associates, they acquire the competences that allow them to enter the job market or continue their schooling. The Slovenian Institute for Adult Education supports the programme with it’s professional activities. So we have NEETS in Capital Ljubljana in the City Centre and in the Municipality where we have a seat – we are in the rural area so we want to address the youth here also – in the villages around our town. We involve youth mostly by developing the programs and activities with youth, rather then for youth to keep them fully engaged, open to change, contributing to their own developing and sharing the vision. We treat youth as equal partners with adults in the decision-making process. All this is visible in our programs (Project Learning for Young Adults – PLYA) for neets where involved youth participates in weekly coordination of the schedule. Involving youth as partners in making decisions affect them increases the likelihood that the decisions will be accepted, adopted, and become part of their everyday lives. In addition, empowering youth to identify and respond to community needs helps them become empathetic, reflective individuals, setting them on a course to potentially continue this important work in their future

The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not for-profit Sp. z o. o.
The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o.o. is a private not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing farm advisory services, enhancing the entrepreneurial spirit in rural areas and fostering the rural development in general. The organisation’s main goal is to improve the livelihoods of rural inhabitants by offering them the best and most professional and personalised advice in the field of agriculture as well as a variety of training courses and materials relevant to rural actors in the subjects of: environment protection, sustainability, food safety, green growth, permaculture, social farming, health and safety on farm, and according to the context of their own business needs and aspirations. The organisation believes that agriculture is one of the core drivers of economic growth in Poland, and therefore wants to contribute to the productivity and competitiveness of Polish agri-food industry. The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o.o. aims to help create sustainable rural businesses, provide tailored education and training services in rural areas, enhance the profitability and revenues of farmers, and improve the vitality and quality of life in rural areas. The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o.o. encourages entrepreneurship among young people from rural areas and seeks to stimulate the concept of rural empowerment and agri-sustainability by promoting multifunctional farms and empowering farmers to process on-farm and sell their products directly to the consumer. This makes their business more economically viable and gives their products added value, as well as simultaneously making the entire agricultural sector in Poland more competitive by fostering the development of high-quality, traditional goods. The aspect of continuous personal and professional growth is crucial to the organisation’s ethos as it engages in non-formal education through implementing European projects and targeting the rural population in particular. One of the main aims of The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o. o. is to provide the population of rural areas with the same level of knowledge and access to education and training as it is available in urban areas. It also aims to make it more easily available to the rural people through the effective dissemination of information, distribution of training materials and knowledge-sharing in rural areas. The organisation therefore targets both human and capital in rural areas, leading to improved services, increased vitality and attractiveness of rural areas and thereby attracting further future capital in turn, and, crucially, aims to improve quality of life for inhabitants of rural areas, contributing to the restoration of territorial balance across Poland and the EU.